25% off scent of the month: apple crisp (Sept.)/pumpkin spice (Oct.)
Farm Happenings: Fuji update/apples & pears/angora goats
Instagram #fightlikeagirl #fuji #wolfephotos #knittinwolf
JoDee of Fishknits Yarn
Dancing Dog Dyeworks October 5 ai chihuahua and party in the doghouse.
Rosyretro (Tabs)
2 styles of stitch markers in my shop for Fujis fight and 100% of the money after fees will go to you directly to help with travel costs etc.
[noknitsherlock](person) will donate $2 of every Noodle pattern purchase for the month of October to Fuji’s fund.
In the Coop: Hitchhiker/Halloween socks/Rainbow Explosion
Squeal like a Pig:
paprika purls card [kaitlinh](person)/
[craftydebbi](person) blankets and ornament/
Fuji Apple Knitters Nightmare yarn/
Desert Vista Dyeworks from Kathy
[sundaisy920](person) care package
In the Arena:
Prairie Girls Knit & Spin audio podcast (7) with [knitastic](person) Susie & [mastertofu](person) Danie
Courtney Sew for Ewe donating bag for FLAG
SOCKer along...September/October/November/December prizes: 2 $25 gift certificates. from Birdlegbags/Kathy donations/Fishknits Yarn donating 2 skeins https://www.etsy.com/shop/birdlegbags
Round Up: itunes/buttons/pumpkin bag #41 [Suzie] (person) Sue/vesper #48 [loonyhiker](person) Pat
Help Fuji Fight Like a Girl